7 Simple Ways to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Home

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Air Pollution in Your Home

Inhaling pollutants from the outside air is only part of the problem when it comes to poor indoor air quality; the products we use in and around our homes are also polluting the air we breathe, often without us realizing it. Luckily, it’s easy to reduce the number of harmful substances that enter your home by making simple changes to your daily routine. Consider these 7 ways to reduce air pollution in your home so you can breathe easier in no time!

1) Use natural cleaning products

1) Clean with vinegar and water. Vinegar is a great natural cleaner for windows, kitchen surfaces, and bathrooms. If you find that your house has developed an unpleasant musty smell, fill a bowl with two cups of white vinegar, add one cup of water, then let it stand overnight. In the morning, wipe away the vinegar mixture with a sponge or rag. 

2) Use baking soda to clean counters and sinks. For example: sprinkle some baking soda on your countertops every day after dinner and then use a wet cloth or sponge to scrub them clean before bedtime. 

3) Use borax as a laundry booster. Add 1-2 tablespoons of borax per a load of wash for clothes that are hard to get clean, like towels or heavily soiled clothes.

2) Avoid using synthetic fragrances

There are a number of ways that you can reduce air pollution in your home, including avoiding synthetic fragrances. Synthetic fragrances are produced from petroleum-based products that emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs have been linked with serious health issues, including headaches, fatigue, and depression. When you use scented candles or other items with synthetic fragrances they produce pollutants that enter the air. If you want your home to be a safe haven for you and your family then stay away from products with synthetic fragrances.

3) Open windows often

This may seem like a no-brainer, but opening windows often helps circulate fresh air. The best times are on windy days or when the sun is going down and the temperature is cooler. If you’re worried about bugs, open just one window and close it before bedtime. You can also use a small fan or an air purifier to keep fresh air circulating indoors.

4) Use an air purifier

An air purifier is a great way to reduce pollutants from entering your home. An air purifier that also includes a HEPA filter is even better because it can remove up to 99% of particles such as pollen, dust, and pet dander. Other ways you can reduce the number of harmful particles inside your home include: installing an exhaust fan, opening windows when the weather permits, using an electronic air cleaner indoors, or simply avoiding cooking on high heat.

5) Don’t smoke indoors

Smoking indoors is one of the most common ways people pollute their air. If you’re a smoker, don’t smoke indoors. It’s not only bad for your health but also for those with asthma or other respiratory issues. Use an outdoor space to smoke and dispose of cigarette butts properly. You can even purchase inexpensive outdoor ashtrays from home improvement stores for just a few dollars, which will help ensure that cigarette butts are disposed of properly and not littered on the ground or stuck in someone’s shoe!

6) Avoid using toxic chemicals

Chemicals that are toxic can have a negative impact on our health and the environment. Here are seven ways you can avoid using or having toxic chemicals in your home.

1) Avoid products with formaldehyde or chlorine, which are used for making building materials such as hardwood floors. 2) Eliminate fragrance from your home by not using air fresheners, candles, or scented detergents. 3) Use natural cleaning products made with ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and essential oils instead of chemical-laden ones. 4) Switch to nontoxic paints without volatile organic compounds (VOCs). 5) Avoid pesticides by planting pest-resistant plants and keep pets indoors so they don’t bring fleas inside.

7) Educate your family and friends about air pollution

Air pollution can be a serious problem if not addressed. There are a number of simple things you can do to help reduce air pollution from your home, including turning off the lights when you leave the room; and using Air Filters. Air Filters – The easiest way to reduce air pollution in your home is with air filters. These filters can be inexpensive or expensive, but they will remove dust, pollen, and other irritants from the air that you breathe every day. The best part about these filters is that they’re easy to install, so you won’t need to hire anyone to come to do it for you.

To Sum Up

It’s no secret that air pollution and indoor air quality in particular are serious problems that affect the health of everyone on the planet, not just those who live in highly polluted cities. It is also not hard to clean your home air by making simple changes in your daily routine. Above we discussed 7 simple ways to reduce air pollution in your home.

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