The 5 best underrated scenic destinations in Pakistan

The 5 best underrated scenic destinations in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country blessed with breathtaking natural beauty, from majestic mountain ranges to serene valleys, and from sparkling lakes to pristine beaches. While many travelers are familiar with popular destinations like the stunning Northern Areas and the culturally rich cities of Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan is also home to several underrated scenic destinations that deserve more attention. In this article, we will explore five such hidden gems that should be on every traveler’s list.

Astola Island

The Jewel of the Arabian Sea is one of the best underrated scenic destinations in Pakistan. Tucked away in the Arabian Sea, Astola Island, also known as “Island of the Seven Hills,” is a mesmerizing natural wonder. This uninhabited island boasts crystal-clear turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and dramatic cliffs. A visit to Astola Island offers a unique opportunity for snorkeling, scuba diving, and exploring marine life. With its untouched beauty and peaceful ambiance, this hidden gem is truly a paradise for nature lovers.

Hingol National Park

A Desert Oasis: Nestled in the heart of Balochistan province, Hingol National Park is a hidden oasis in the midst of the desert. The park’s diverse landscape features rugged mountains, lush green forests, and cascading waterfalls. The famous Mud Volcanoes and the mystical Sphinx-like Princess of Hope sculpture add an air of mystery to the park. Hingol National Park is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, offering a chance to spot unique species such as the endangered Balochistan bear and the majestic Persian leopard.

Deosai Plains

The Roof of the World: Situated at an altitude of over 4,000 meters above sea level, the Deosai Plains in Gilgit-Baltistan are often referred to as “The Roof of the World.” This vast expanse of rolling grasslands is dotted with wildflowers, shimmering lakes, and snow-covered peaks. During the summer months, the plains transform into a vibrant tapestry of colors, attracting hordes of butterflies. The Deosai Plains also serves as a sanctuary for various wildlife, including the rare Himalayan brown bear. A visit to this underrated destination promises tranquility and breathtaking views that will leave any traveler in awe.

Kalash Valley

A Cultural Haven: Nestled in the Hindukush mountain range, the Kalash Valley is a hidden gem renowned for its unique culture and breathtaking scenery. Home to the indigenous Kalash people, this secluded valley offers a glimpse into an ancient way of life. The vibrant festivals, traditional handicrafts, and ornate wooden houses make Kalash Valley a cultural haven. Surrounded by snow-capped peaks and lush green meadows, the valley provides ample opportunities for hiking, photography, and experiencing the warm hospitality of the locals.


A Hidden Paradise in Kashmir: Tucked away in the Neelum Valley of Azad Kashmir, Taobat is a hidden paradise that remains untouched by commercialization. The valley is blessed with glistening waterfalls, emerald-green meadows, and crystal-clear streams. Travelers can embark on scenic hikes, visit the enchanting Chitta Katha Lake, or simply soak in the serene beauty of the surroundings. Taobat offers a peaceful retreat away from bustling city life, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking solace in nature.


While Pakistan is renowned for its popular tourist destinations, there are several underrated scenic spots that often go unnoticed. From the breathtaking Astola Island to the cultural haven of Kalash Valley, and from the mystical Hingol National Park to the serene Taobat, these hidden gems offer unique experiences and unforgettable beauty.

Astola Island:

  • Uninhabited island in the Arabian Sea.
  • Crystal-clear turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and dramatic cliffs.
  • Perfect for snorkeling, scuba diving, and exploring marine life.

Hingol National Park:

  • Oasis in the heart of Balochistan province.
  • Diverse landscape with mountains, forests, and waterfalls.
  • Mud Volcanoes and the Princess of Hope sculpture add to its mystique.
  • Spot unique wildlife like Balochistan bear and Persian leopard.

Deosai Plains:

  • Located in Gilgit-Baltistan at a high altitude.
  • Rolling grasslands, wildflowers, lakes, and snow-covered peaks.
  • Vibrant summer colors and butterfly migrations.
  • Home to the rare Himalayan brown bear.

Kalash Valley:

  • Secluded valley in the Hindukush mountain range.
  • The unique culture of the indigenous Kalash people.
  • Festivals, handicrafts, and traditional houses.
  • Surrounded by snow-capped peaks and green meadows.


  • Hidden paradise in the Neelum Valley of Azad Kashmir.
  • Waterfalls, meadows, and streams.
  • Scenic hikes and the enchanting Chitta Katha Lake.
  • Tranquil retreats away from city life.


  • Pakistan has underrated scenic destinations that deserve attention.
  • From the stunning Astola Island to the cultural haven of Kalash Valley.
  • Hingol National Park’s beauty and Deosai Plains’ breathtaking views.
  • Taobat offers a peaceful retreat in the lap of nature.
  • Explore these hidden gems for unique experiences and beauty.

Necessary Precautions When Visiting Underrated Scenic Destinations in Pakistan:

Astola Island:

  • Check weather conditions and sea tides before planning a visit.
  • Ensure you have proper snorkeling or scuba diving gear and experience.
  • Inform someone about your trip and expected return time.
  • Carry sufficient food, water, and sun protection as there are no facilities on the island.
  • Respect the marine ecosystem and avoid damaging coral reefs or littering.

Hingol National Park:

  • Research and plan your trip in advance, as facilities may be limited.
  • Inform local authorities or a trusted person about your visit and itinerary.
  • Carry necessary camping equipment, food, water, and first aid supplies.
  • Follow designated trails and avoid venturing into restricted or dangerous areas.
  • Respect the wildlife and maintain a safe distance from animals.

Deosai Plains:

  • Dress in layers to adapt to changing weather conditions at high altitudes.
  • Carry appropriate camping gear, warm clothing, and sturdy footwear.
  • Acclimatize properly to the altitude before engaging in strenuous activities.
  • Follow park regulations and stay on designated paths to avoid damaging the delicate ecosystem.
  • Be prepared for limited or no cellular network coverage in remote areas.

Kalash Valley:

  • Respect the local culture, traditions, and religious practices of the Kalash people.
  • Dress modestly and appropriately, particularly during festivals or cultural events.
  • Seek permission before photographing individuals or their properties.
  • Ask for guidance from local guides or community members to explore the valley responsibly.
  • Be mindful of the environment and avoid littering or damaging natural surroundings.


  • Check the security situation and obtain necessary permits or permissions for visiting Azad Kashmir.
  • Follow road safety guidelines and be cautious while driving in mountainous terrain.
  • Pack essential supplies, including food, water, warm clothing, and insect repellent.
  • Stay updated on weather conditions, as the valley is prone to heavy rainfall and landslides.
  • Respect the local communities and their customs, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities.

General Precautions:

  • Research and stay informed about the current situation and any travel advisories for the regions you plan to visit.
  • Inform a trusted person about your travel plans and maintain regular communication.
  • Carry necessary identification documents, travel insurance, and emergency contact information.
  • Respect the environment, wildlife, and local communities by practicing responsible and sustainable tourism.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and exercise caution, especially in remote or unfamiliar areas.
  • Stay hydrated, follow proper hygiene practices, and take necessary precautions to prevent altitude sickness or other health issues.

Remember, while these scenic destinations offer incredible experiences, it is essential to prioritize safety and respect for the environment and local communities during your travels.


Q: Are there any accommodation options available on Astola Island?

A: No, there are no accommodation options on Astola Island. It is an uninhabited island, and visitors typically plan day trips or overnight camping stays. It is advisable to carry your own camping gear and supplies.

Q: How can I reach Hingol National Park?

A: Hingol National Park can be reached by road. The nearest major city is Karachi, and it takes approximately 6-7 hours to drive from there to the park. It is recommended to hire a local guide or join a tour group for better navigation and safety.

Q: Are there any entry fees for visiting Deosai Plains?

A: Yes, there is an entry fee for visiting Deosai Plains. The fee is nominal and is used for the conservation and maintenance of the area. Make sure to inquire about the current entry fee rates before your visit.

Q: Is it possible to interact with the Kalash people in Kalash Valley?

A: Yes, it is possible to interact with the Kalash people in Kalash Valley. They are known for their hospitality and are often open to sharing their culture and traditions with visitors. However, it is important to approach them with respect and seek permission before taking photographs or participating in their events.

Q: How can I reach Taobat in the Neelum Valley?

A: To reach Taobat in the Neelum Valley, you can travel by road from Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir. The journey takes approximately 4-5 hours, depending on road conditions. It is advisable to hire a local driver or use public transportation, as the mountainous terrain can be challenging to navigate.

Q: Are there any safety concerns when visiting these underrated destinations?

A: While these destinations are generally safe for tourists, it is always recommended to stay informed about the current security situation in the region and follow any travel advisories issued by the local authorities. It is also advisable to take necessary precautions, such as traveling with a reliable guide or group, informing others about your travel plans, and being cautious in remote or unfamiliar areas.

Q: Are there any medical facilities available near these destinations?

A: Medical facilities may be limited or not easily accessible in some of these remote areas. It is recommended to carry a basic first aid kit and any necessary medications with you. In case of emergencies, contact local authorities or seek assistance from nearby towns or cities with better medical facilities.

Q: Can I engage in adventure activities like hiking or camping in these destinations?

A: Yes, these destinations offer opportunities for adventure activities like hiking, camping, and photography. However, it is important to plan and prepare accordingly. Carry proper gear, follow safety guidelines, and be aware of the local regulations and restrictions for such activities.

Q: Are there any local customs or cultural practices I should be aware of before visiting these places?

A: Each destination has its own cultural nuances and practices. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the local customs and traditions beforehand. Respect the local culture, dress modestly, seek permission for photography if required, and be mindful of cultural sensitivities to ensure a positive and respectful experience.

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