16 Tips to Stay Safe From Dengue Mosquitoes | Plot-Partner

16 Tips to Stay Safe From Dengue Mosquitoes | Plot-Partner

Dengue fever, also known as breakbone fever, can be one of the most debilitating viral illnesses that you’ll ever experience. Symptoms include high fever, extreme muscle, and joint pain, and nausea so bad that it will make you wish you were dead (and no, I’m not exaggerating). It can be fatal if left untreated, and there is no way to prevent or predict dengue apart from avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes. Here are 10 tips to avoid being a sitting duck for dengue mosquitoes.

Remove all container water

Dengue is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito which breeds in water. It’s important not only to remove all sources of standing water in and around your house but also any old containers of water that may be lying around forgotten. If you’re planning on going away or traveling, make sure you drain all containers – even if they are already empty.

Nets for Beds

When staying indoors, try and keep windows and doors closed as much as possible, especially during daylight hours when mosquitoes are most active. Use screens on windows or air conditioners with screens as much as possible. Invest in mosquito nets for beds if this is an option for you. Light colors attract fewer insects than dark colors so choose white sheets over black ones if possible!

Use approved repellents

Approved repellents include DEET, picaridin, and IR3535 to avoid dengue mosquitoes. Always use as directed on the label and reapply every two hours or if you’re sweating heavily. Be aware that DEET is not safe for children under the age of two, so speak with your pediatrician before using this option. Also, note that some repellents are designed specifically for your face. If you’re getting bitten on the back of your neck, don’t neglect the front!

Get rid of standing water

A good way to make sure that there is no standing water around your home is to empty flower pots, pet dishes, and anything else that you may have near your house. It also helps to keep gutters in good shape so that they do not overflow with rainwater or snow melt. The key is making sure that the containers are only filled with enough water for plants or animals and not left out in the open. If you have any pools on your property, it is important that you keep them clean by scrubbing down the sides of the pool and keeping the filter running at all times.

Indoor Safety Tips

-Keeping windows and doors closed at all times can be helpful in avoiding dengue mosquitoes.

– Avoid going outside during dawn and dusk, when the mosquito population is at its peak.

– When outdoors, wear protective clothing that covers the skin, such as long-sleeved shirts and pants or light-colored clothing with long sleeves and trousers. Wear socks, shoes, and hats that cover most of your skin.

– Use insect repellent containing DEET (N, N-diethyl-meta toluamide) or picaridin on exposed skin; some also contain sunscreen. Apply insect repellent sparingly around the eyes and mouth.

Clean your house daily

One way you can prevent the spread of these pesky bloodsuckers is by tidying your home daily. Keeping surfaces clean and tidy prevents standing water, one of the dengue mosquitoes’ favorite breeding spots. Change out any water-holding containers, like vases and buckets, on a regular basis. Clean out containers that have held standing water within 2 days and make sure to dry them thoroughly before putting them back in use.

Spray your room with insecticide

One of the best things you can do to avoid dengue mosquitoes is to spray your room with insecticide. This will kill any mosquitoes that are in your room, as well as keep them from being attracted to it. Make sure you use a product that is specifically labeled for indoor use.

Here are Some Other Useful Tips to stay safe from dengue mosquitoes:

  1. Let there be light
  2. Call in an expert fumigator
  3. Avoid outdoor activities at dusk, dawn, and during the nighttime.
  4. Dress appropriately. Wear long sleeves, pants, shoes, and socks.
  5. Stay indoors with windows and doors closed or install screens on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.
  6. Dengue mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so you might also want to choose light colors.
  7. Stay indoors when it is raining. The mosquitoes can only fly about 300 feet or less and their flight range is reduced in heavy rain.
  8. Sleep under mosquito nets or use air conditioning if possible. Mosquitoes are most active from dusk till dawn and will bite through thin clothes so it’s important that you protect yourself during these hours as well as outdoors.
  9. Inform family and friends and educate them about how they can avoid dengue mosquitoes.


When it comes to staying safe from mosquito-borne illnesses, avoiding mosquitoes at all costs makes sense, but you can’t simply bury yourself in bubble wrap and wait for dengue mosquitoes to go away—you have work, family, and friends to live your life with! We discussed plenty of ways to avoid being bitten by these pesky bugs (dengue mosquitoes) without completely isolating yourself from the world.

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