6 Safety Tips for High-Rise Buildings

6 Safety Tips for High-Rise Buildings

Going to a high-rise building can be an exciting and novel experience, but if you’re unfamiliar with the layout of the building, your surroundings can seem confusing and overwhelming. Even if you’re familiar with the building, you may be unaware of what to do in an emergency situation. Thankfully, there are several safety tips for high-rise buildings that will help you and your family stay safe on any visit. Be sure to follow these simple guidelines the next time you visit or live in a high-rise building!

1) Get to Know Your Building

1. Know where the fire exits are and always follow evacuation procedures when the alarm sounds.

2. Be aware of what type of building you’re in. If you’re in a high-rise, you should know if it’s a steel frame or concrete structure, and also what material was used to build it (brick, stone, etc.). This will help you determine if the building is more likely to withstand an earthquake or is more susceptible to fire damage.

3. If you live on the upper floors of a high-rise building, be aware that smoke rises so be prepared with an exit plan if there is a fire below your unit.

2) Familiarize Yourself with the Emergency Exits

When you move into a high-rise building, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the emergency exits. This will help you know where to go in case of an emergency. It’s also important to have an escape plan in mind in case you don’t know which way to go or if the emergency exit is locked. You should always be prepared with a backup plan and make sure others are aware of your escape route as well.

3) Never use the elevator

1. Never lock fire exits or exit doors. Doing so may cause you to become trapped in the event of a fire and create a fire hazard for others in the building.

2. Consider installing a manual release device on your windows to make it easier to escape in an emergency situation.

3. Keep your floor plan clear of clutter so that you can easily identify exits and other important features of the space.

4. Familiarize yourself with your building’s procedures, including sheltering-in-place drills, evacuations, use of stairs during emergencies, etc., so that you know what to do should an emergency arise while you are at work or living on a high-rise tower block.

4) Do Not Use the Stairs in an Emergency

If you have to leave your apartment in an emergency, do not use the stairs. Instead, wait for the fire department or paramedics to arrive and let them know you’ll be waiting on the roof of your building. You should also contact a close relative or friend so they know where you are in case they need to track you down.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that each floor has a designated evacuation zone. Make sure that when you’re evacuating, you stay within the zone assigned to your floor – it’s safer and will help firefighters determine which floors need attention first.

If there’s ever a fire or other emergency, don’t forget: call 1122 before leaving your apartment and make sure that someone knows where you’re going if possible!

5) Know Who Your Neighbors Are

If you’re in a high-rise building, it’s important to know your neighbors in the event of an emergency. This will help you get to know them and make sure they know how to contact you in case of an emergency. It can also be helpful to create a list of other residents on your floor and their contact information.

6) Keep Your Apartment Secure if you live in high-rise buildings

1. Lock your doors and windows. This can prevent intruders from entering your apartment and help keep you safe.

2. Install a peephole in your door so that you can see who is at the door before opening it, especially if you live in a building with common entrances or elevators.

3. If you live on an upper floor, make sure to keep the stairwell entrance to your apartment clear of any obstructions, such as boxes or furniture.


Skyscrapers are amazing architectural feats, but they can be dangerous in the wrong circumstances, especially if you’re new to city life. If you’re moving into a high-rise building or visiting one for the first time, keep these safety tips in mind so that you can stay safe during your time there.

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