Top 10 Must-Haves for Your Safety at Home | Home Safety Tips | Plot-Partner

Top 10 Must-Haves for Your Safety at Home | Home Safety Tips | Plot-Partner

Make Your Safety at Home easy because your home is your sanctuary and the place where you feel safest. Unfortunately, as our world becomes more dangerous, that safety might not always be guaranteed. Here are the top ten must-haves as well as Home Safety Tips to help keep your home safe from intruders.

Security System

To make sure your Safety at Home a security system is a must-have for any home. But with so many options on the market, which one should you choose? There are three main types of security systems: hardwired, wireless, and monitored. Hardwired systems are usually more expensive but they offer a lot more protection and installation flexibility. Wireless systems are the most common type of system on the market today, but they may be susceptible to power outages or hacking. Monitored systems will send your security footage to professionals who can call the police if anything happens in your home while you’re away.

Motion-Activated Lights

These lights detect movement and turn on automatically. They’re perfect for hallways, garages, or staircases. The best part is that they don’t even have to be plugged in!

Motion-activated lights keep your home safe. Not only will they turn on when you enter the area, but they will also turn off after you have left. They also can be used in the basement, garage, or any other areas of your house that have low lighting.

Auto Dialer

A new and innovative device that is now available to help ensure your safety is the autodialer. This device can be used in many different ways, such as a panic alarm or an emergency alarm. The auto-dialer will allow you to have direct access to your country’s universal emergency number responders even if you are unable to use your phone or speak. You can also program this device to call a predetermined contact such as a family member or neighbor with the push of a button.

Good door locks

Most people think that locks are locks, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Door locks can vary in quality and price, but there is one type of lock that stands above the rest. A deadbolt is your best bet when it comes to door locks because it is much more secure than a doorknob lock. The most popular and common type of deadbolt is called a double cylinder deadbolt which requires a key on both sides to unlock.

Alarm system with cameras

An alarm system with cameras is the best way to protect your home and family to make your safety at home possible. An alarm system not only provides protection from intruders but also helps deter crime. Cameras allow you to keep an eye on what’s happening in your home, even if you’re away. With a smartphone, you can access your surveillance feed remotely and receive instant alerts when there’s activity around your property.

In short, an alarm system with cameras can provide a sense of security and peace of mind in your home. From detecting intruders to catching criminals, an alarm system is a great way to stay safe.

Smoke Detectors

There are three types of smoke detectors: ionization, photoelectric, and combination. A combination detector is a mixture of the two other types. Ionization detectors respond to low levels of smoke as well as any particles that are found in the air. Photoelectric alarms work best on slow fires with more heat and less smoke.

Fire Extinguisher Section: Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is the most important tool in your arsenal when it comes to fire safety. This is because, if you are being forced to escape from a fire, you should take with you whatever can’t be replaced. This means that your family should leave behind their pets and any irreplaceable items. (Also, don’t forget about the importance of taking your family’s cell phones!) The only thing that should be taken with you is something that can be replaced easily and affordably. A vacuum cleaner will help to remove the fire and smoke residue left by the inferno on your carpets and furniture. This will help to prevent long-term damage from occurring as well as help kill any germs or bacteria lingering in your home after a fire incident.

Toilet Blocker

In the event of a fire, flood, or other emergencies that lead to you having to evacuate your home, it’s important to have a toilet blocker on hand. This simple device plugs up your toilet so that all water inside of it stays put and doesn’t spill onto the floor. You’ll also want to pack some towels or rags as well as a bucket or two with some soapy water in case you need to clean up any messes in your home. You should also keep any medications, food, and water in waterproof containers, flashlights, and batteries for when the power goes out. Emergency numbers should be programmed into your phone as well as those of family members close by who could come to stay with you until the situation is resolved.

Panic Button

A panic button is a device that, when pressed or activated, will send out an alarm signal and cause certain features of the device to go into lockdown mode. Panic buttons can be found as standalone devices or installed within other devices, such as phones and computers. In order to be truly effective, a panic button should have a battery backup system in case of a power outage (in order to prevent false alarms), be easily accessible by the user, and located where it can’t be accidentally hit during typical use, and should never lose contact with the monitored device. The best location is usually on the front side of the computer monitor so that it’s always visible without taking your eyes off your work screen.

Build an Emergency Kit

  • Here are some things you should have on hand in case of an emergency for your safety at home.
  • A home alarm system. 
  • Extra cell phone chargers. 
  • Cash in small bills
  • List of emergency telephone numbers
  • Food and water
  • Whistle
  • A deadbolt for every door and a lock that requires a key from both sides to unlock. 
  • Sturdy window screens and shatterproof glass windows. 
  • A first aid kit with gauze, bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain reliever.


Not every home has the same threats, but it’s good to be prepared with safety essentials just in case. Whether you live alone or have children, there are simple things you can do to make your home more secure and safe! Here we discussed must-have items that will ensure the safety of your home and those who live there. 

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