5 Ways to Celebrate Independence Day Responsibly

5 Ways to Celebrate Independence Day Responsibly

Independence Day in Pakistan is the celebration of our respective country’s independence from British rule on August 14th, respectively. In honor of the Fourteenth of August holiday, this article will examine how to celebrate the day responsibly with tips from experts around the web on how to stay safe, and healthy, and avoid trouble with law enforcement. Although Independence Day may be your favorite time of year, there are certainly ways to celebrate it safely and responsibly. Just remember that it’s called Independence Day because you’re free to do what you want!

Remember Our Freedom Fighters

Remember Our Freedom Fighters
Remember Our Freedom Fighters

As part of our celebration of Independence, we remember our Freedom Fighters because they were the ones who sacrificed their lives for us. Not only their own lives but also they sacrificed the lives of their beloveds and sometimes their whole families. They struggled day and night for years and years to make us stand as a nation. We appreciate all the steps they took for us from Sir Syed Ahmad Khan’s educational revolutions to Mohammad Ali Jinnah’s Struggles to bring Pakistan on the map of the world as an independent and separate nation. Allama Iqbal, Mohammad Ali Johar, Shokat Ali, and there are many other great personalities to remember on our independence day because the sacrifices they made for us are not forgettable. This is why we are especially proud of our Freedom Fighters because we are celebrating this independence day just because of them and their unforgettable sacrifices.

Do Something Fruitful

Do Something Fruitful
Do Something Fruitful

Independence day is a day when you make new promises with the land, new hopes to do something extraordinary for the land, you make a new list of activities you are going to perform this year till next Independence day, and take steps to make the land more beautiful, more independent, more peaceful, richer, more respectful in the world. The smallest step that you can do is tree planting to make your homeland clean and green. You can plant trees as much as you can and not for one day but for the whole year you can plant trees every week or even once a month. Do it on your own and become the encourager for other people around you. You can also engage children in the activity. They will not only enjoy the process but also will make your work time joyful and you will love to do the task again and again because of the joy, happiness, and inner satisfaction you will get, the satisfaction of doing something for your homeland.

Spread Knowledge and Awareness

Spread Knowledge and Awareness
Spread Knowledge and Awareness

It’s also our responsibility to enjoy and celebrate independence day with manners, without hurting anyone, without blocking the roads, and without making noise or playing loud music to irritate others. Always respect your country and the things you have been blessed with by living in the country. Make your celebration parties peaceful and a source of knowledge. If there is something that went wrong in any party or harmful to anyone or something you see that tries to go beyond legalization then you should keep away from it and must try to stop that type of activity without harming anyone. Always follow the Islamic and legal rules no matter where you are and what you are going to do. Never forget about the values and ethics Islam teaches us, in any situation. Try to spread knowledge about the history of Pakistan because there are some people as well who don’t read history so it is our duty to let them know the real meaning of the existence of Pakistan. Make them aware of their contribution to the country’s needs.

 Keep Celebrations Short and Safe

 Keep Celebrations Short and Safe
 Keep Celebrations Short and Safe

Always try to keep the celebrations short and safe. Don’t waste too much time on useless activities. Do something healthy and fruitful for the country instead of wasting time on activities that are not useful for your homeland in the long run. You must keep the celebrations safe to avoid any emergency. Children should be allowed fireworks. Keep your children away from all unhealthy activities. It is also one of your important responsibilities to keep your children aware of the history of Pakistan and the struggles we faced in making it a separate state. Involve them in activities where they can learn about our national heroes and can become motivated by their lives, work, and ethics. They must know the values of a real hero. They must learn how much our country is important to us, how much we love it and how to serve the country as a responsible citizen. As Quid said about children that they are the nation builders of tomorrow.

Talk About What You’re Grateful For

Talk About What You’re Grateful For
Talk About What You’re Grateful For

Be thankful for your country. Being born and raised in Pakistan it is natural for us to love our own country. Not every country is perfect for their nation in the world but it is no reason to stop respecting, and loving. Be grateful for what you have by living in Pakistan. Be grateful for your home, your family, the food you eat, and the people around you who are making efforts day and night to make the country prosperous. Be grateful for people who put their lives on the line to let you enjoy freedom. Be thankful for the freedom to worship you Allah without fear of persecution as people faced in past. Be thankful for the country provides opportunities to those who want to work and earn a comfortable living here. Be grateful for your safe lifestyle. Be thankful for the beauty of your homeland. Our gratitude for our country is mainly a sense of gratitude towards all the people who have worked so hard to build and protect the land in which we were raised. If we make our country a better place for future generations, perhaps they will feel gratitude for us and those of our generation.

To Conclude

As  John F. Kennedy said:

‘’Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.’’ And you can do more than you think. You are unique and your efforts also matter a lot to the nation. Your contribution is necessary to the progress of the state. You are a crucial part of the nation and you can make a difference by living in it, not immediately but definitely, maybe not now but at the age of 50 or 70 or 90 or more. Just believe in yourself and must do what you can do. Don’t waste any minute of the time you have been blessed with. Spend it on some healthy activities. Money doesn’t matter when you have a good heart. Even your positive attitude and kind behavior can make a difference. You can plant trees which is an effortless but fruitful task as discussed above.

If you are going to buy a plot or home in the motherland, you can check it out here.

Thank Allah for Pakistan

5 Ways  to Celebrate Independence Day Responsibly
Thank Allah for Pakistan

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